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Cold-Chain shipping is going to change forever

The problems of Cold-Chain shipping


in losses globally due to temperature excursions


pounds of annual packaging waste from US pharmaceutical distribution

“Since Ember’s inception, it has been our goal to leverage our temperature control technology to serve the healthcare industry, with the ultimate mission of helping to improve and save lives.”


Clay Alexander

Founder & Chairman, Ember


Ensuring every delivery arrives precisely as intended

We understand the critical nature of maintaining precise temperature control throughout the supply chain. Our mission is to provide comprehensive and dependable solutions that guarantee the integrity and efficacy of medicines.

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Award winning technology

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From drinkware to healthcare & beyond

Ember is a global temperature control brand and technology platform that pioneered the world's first temperature control mug. Since Ember's inception, the plans for our temperature control technology have always been far-reaching, with a mission to not only revolutionize the drinkware industry but to change the way people eat, drink, and live.

Founded by inventor and serial entrepreneur Clay Alexander, Ember creates, designs, and develops temperature control products that offer precision, control, and accuracy. With over 200 granted patents surrounding temperature control, data, and connectivity, the possibilities for its applications are endless.

The Ember Cube marks our first foray into the healthcare space and the launch of our new vertical - Ember LifeSciences.

Ember LifeSciences in the news

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Ready to join the Cold-Chain Revolution, or need more information?

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